
Mehmet Emin AYDIN

Software Developer at Kafkal
Here's me pronouncing my name:
I think the first and middle name parts are somewhat straightforward, the complicated part is the second syllable of my surname due to dotless I sound. This sound is similar to "thinking sound" when you find yourself audibly pondering "err..".


since 2022

Software developer at Kafkal


Army service

2016 - 2020

Graduate student at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics

  • M.Sc. - Advanced Analytics – Big Data
    • Thesis: "Business Cycles and Economic Activity"
2015 - 2016

Software Developer at Organon Technology, Istanbul

    I was part of a team which developed enterprise software for Denizbank concentrating on leasing services. My responsibilities were producing graphical interfaces which reflected the needs of end users. I used ASP.NET MVC framework and Oracle RDBMS to implement features we decided together with the stakeholders.

    I came up with requirements, sketched UML diagrams and drafted wireframes before using Entity Framework to map required information with the database. I programmed the functionalities as I prepared and finalized the components of the intended look.
2015 Summer

Intern at Asseco SEE, Istanbul

    I developed an English-Turkish translating application using Apache Cordova. The application utilized a web service to retrieve translations and format them to JSON before storing the words and phrases in a local dictionary.

    I used jQuery Mobile for user interaction and parsing the data to prepare them for display. I designed the interface with Bootstrap.

2014 Summer

Intern at Asseco SEE, Istanbul

    I developed a payment plan management module with a graphical interface using ASP.NET Web Forms.

    The module calculated and outlined leasing payments by taking interest and tax rates into account along with due dates. Estimating compound interest might have been the most interesting part for me.
2004 - 2008

Anatoliana type of high school in Turkey high school - Cağaloğlu Anadolu Lisesi, Istanbul


◈ reading Chilean author Roberto Bolaño's 2666
◈ currently enrolled to elementary level Spanish course at Instituto Cervantes
◈ some years ago, I enrolled to a Polish course in Warsaw. I didn't pursue learning the language intently. But during the time I spent in Poland, I picked up the nuances of the language here and there. After returning to Turkey, I kept it close with Polish language and Poland itself.
As I enroll to the Spanish course at Cervantes Institute, I reminisced about my Polish learning experience. Can I attempt it again? I picked up "krok po kroku" once more, which was my previous course handbook, and I will try it on my own time.


I like films.